=" DJ Diva-The MIXTRESS of R and B | Anita Baker Threatened with Jail Time in Divorce Proceedings

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Anita Baker Threatened with Jail Time in Divorce Proceedings

Have yall heard about this? Anita Baker’s soon to be ex-husband is something else. After watching this video I wanted to find him and wring his neck for putting her through all of this. What she says makes perfect sense to me. Why sue Anita for the money…unless…the record company is paying Anita and she supposed to pay him. Then it makes sense why they coming down so hard on her.

My grandma always said it was a bad idea to mix your men with your money. And when she got married 2 years ago at the age of 75..she got a prenup! Granted my grandmother is a millionaire..but whether its a dime or a million..separate your heart from your pocket!

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One comment for “Anita Baker Threatened with Jail Time in Divorce Proceedings”

  1. Sage advice. Your grandma is a wise woman.

    Posted by TGrundy | March 2, 2010, 9:18 am

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