Call me psychic..but on the BART2009 I battled with Butta at Soulbounce with my prediction that Beyonce was gonna take a break. You should listen to that podcast. So Beyonce is taking a 6 month break. Whether it’s gonna be to have a baby or to reinvent her style…either way I’m happy for her! Full […]
She is just gorgeous! This is gonna be a helluva year for R&B!!! If you like this mix..maybe you’ll like these! None Found
This commercial made me die laughing. I don’t know what state this Dorito commercial is playing in but it’s hilarious! i need me a little boy LMAO If you like this mix..maybe you’ll like these! None Found
This is the official first video for Keke Wyatt’s comeback. It was a shame how the tragedy that occurred side tracked her career…I’m happy to see she could come back from it. And that voice? whew!!! If you like this mix..maybe you’ll like these! None Found
I just love these old school Soul Train videos…i may make it a regular staple! If you like this mix..maybe you’ll like these! None Found
So Trina has a new video…The song is a lil catchy… but she’s trying too hard…wait what am I saying…Trina has always been over the top with the booty shots. It’s when she takes it to Beyonce that leaves me speechless. If you like this mix..maybe you’ll like these! None Found
Maxwell on Trace TV. *Swoon* I just Love Him!!!!!!!! If you like this mix..maybe you’ll like these! None Found
J Holiday gives us a new version of Kanye’s Love Lockdown…I like it…I told yall this would be the year of the Milk and Cookies! If you like this mix..maybe you’ll like these! None Found
Freshalina got some flicks of the royal couple at the Lakers game last night as they publicly attempt to clean up the mess that happened at M2. Before that, they took to the tweets two days ago when Bossip ran a report that Isaacs was having relations with their Matriarch artist. Pop the hood for […]
I’m not even mad at Mariah. I’ve had those moments. She was probably so happy to be nominated that she threw a couple extra ones back! She was still kinda graceful though….later…she could just blame it on the alcohol…like we all do! LMAO If you like this mix..maybe you’ll like these! None Found